View Full Version : Vote to help our coral reefs!

06-10-2011, 07:18 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/247349_10150256129198894_736363893_8959168_4091813 _n.jpg
Seth at work off Key West

Your vote is needed. Seth is devoted to promoting numerous projects worldwide with an eye to protecting and restoring threatened coral reefs. Your vote, even daily could help him continue this work. Seth shoots very high quality video (1G/minute!), processing such imagery requires high end computers. Please help him continue to do the good work he does, our reefs need all the awareness building we can bring to their plight.

You can view the video and easily vote, daily would be great at:

"Documenting global coral reef restoration" (http://wildfireapp.com/website/6/contests/90999/voteable_entries/21765941?order=recency)


06-10-2011, 07:21 AM
He recently spent several days documenting the rescue efforts involving a pod of beached pilot whales in the Florida Keys. These sick cetaceans each require full time support from several humans in the water as they are recovering. Please vote for Seth to help him to continue these marvelous good works.