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Old 01-22-2008, 12:04 PM
neil xrated neil xrated is offline
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 90
Default 2007 / 2008 Race Resuts

Hi all,

Just wanted to thank all of you for a great race yesterday, it really was amazing. 62 people started (14 more than last year), and 48 finished. Thank you all so much for all your help, support and skills. I am proud to be part of our kiteboarding community.
There will be numerous photos and great video to come. The magazines will have first choice of photos from Paul Porter and Jeremy will have copies of a DVD filmed by Dasher. Here are the official results and times.

Cheers and thanks again Neil.

1. Jeremy Lund 2.17:24
2. Mike Hall 2.17:33
3. Billy Parker 2.18:30
4. Mike Gebardt 2.25:29
5. Jeremy Green 2.27:25
6. Will Caldwell 2.27:34
7. Jordan Borgese 2.28:00
8. Alex Bloechinger 2.28:01
9. Demion Thomas 2.29:40
10. Graham Goodwin 2.31:24
11. Jesse Cors 2.32.00
12. Leif Given 2.32:36
13. Andy Defilipp 2.34:30
14. Shawn Cole 2.34:50
15. Mike Bradley 2.36:45
16. Kevin O'Neil 2.38:51
17. Brien Mastriana 2.39:15
18. David Albertson 2.40:40
19. Greg Dannemann 2.43:00
20. Jason Orkins 2.44:20
21. Chad Anschuetz 2.45:50
22. Felix Granados 2.46:01
23. Chris Cifers 2.26:40
24. Sean Reyngoudt 2.46:50
25. Todd Olivieri 2.48:40
26. Justice Bentz 2.50:55
27. Ken Russell 2.54:50
28. Dougal Macdonald 3.00:10
29. Chris Hentschel 3.01:10
30. Danny Albertson 3.01:16
31. Michael Stephens 3.05:50
32. Ryan Druyor 3.15:40
33. George Moore 3.20:00
34. Jay Warren 3.21:30
35. Jonathan Arline 3.26:00
36. Stacey Fonas 3.28:00 1st womens
37. Tom Dunfee 3.40:33
38. Hamish Macdonald 3.41:33
39. Packet Casey 3.46:26
40. David Katlic3.49:00
41. Aron Ericson 3.56:00
42. Mellisa Gil 3.58:30 2nd womens
43. Burt Van Schalkwyk 3.58:40
44. Damion Leroy 4.00:58
45. Rick Iossi 4.40:00
46. Larry Grimm 4.47:00
47. Jon Pinto 4.59:30
48. Grace Marcel 5.14:40 3rd womens
Chris Jordan DNF
Josh Noe DNF
Joe Ruscito DNF
Kent Marinkovic DNF
Craig Piddy DNF
Gary Menk DNF
Matt Stiener DNF
Evan Bell DNF
Kurt Hoffman DNF
David Logan DNF
David Welton DNF
Ed Bisphan DNF
Brandon Biggs DNF
Helga Goebel DNF

Last edited by ricki; 01-22-2008 at 07:42 PM.
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