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Old 02-22-2012, 07:44 AM
CFS CFS is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2012
Posts: 4
Default Ocean Rodeo Mako Boards

I feel compelled to share my experience with Mako Boards and learning to kiteboard. I'm 6'4, 220 lbs, and was struggling to get good edging, ride in chop and stay upwind consistently. Thanks to some reviews on this forum, I tried the Mako 140. For learners and cruisers, this board is amazing. It cuts through chop and carves incredibly well. I quickly bought a Mako King for lighter wind conditions, and was amazed at how well it lets you plane in light wind, but can also handle strong wind and big waves with aplomb. These boards are not available or even in use by anyone in my area, but I'm glad I went outside the box and tried them.

The other advantage, also posted by others, is that you can balance your stance more evenly on two feet, so your back leg doesn't get exhausted and you can kite for hours!

I cant speak to jumping or tricks, because I'm not there yet. But for cruising, carving, and wave riding, these things are unbeatable. I encourage beginner/intermediates and cruisers to try them.

(I am not affiliated with OR in anyway, and these boards are not cheap)
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