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Old 11-16-2006, 01:23 PM
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Default Bah Humbug

full tilt on-shore winds + older long board not able to gain much upwind ground + rutheless shorebreak = Bryan calling friend for pick up after only a couple hours on the water..

i could not get back out into the gulf when i got pushed to close to shore..

shore break kick my ass in more ways than i can describe..with full West wind i couldnt body drag out past it.. trying to rider through it I got knocked off my boad more times than i can count..

thought my old 160 board would be the trick that got me going.. but its only a great down winder.. not a good board for today as "down wind" equaled shore.

oh well. next year.

seeing 60 kites flying and launching at same time was pretty damn cool .....
Your mother flies a C-kite.

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Old 11-16-2006, 02:26 PM
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Only 60 kites? Wow I expected more.

That's a long way to go in strong onshore winds and big waves, no doubt about it.
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Old 11-16-2006, 07:26 PM
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Default Re: Bah Humbug

Originally Posted by bryanleighty
full tilt on-shore winds + older long board not able to gain much upwind ground + rutheless shorebreak = Bryan calling friend for pick up after only a couple hours on the water..

i could not get back out into the gulf when i got pushed to close to shore..

shore break kick my ass in more ways than i can describe..with full West wind i couldnt body drag out past it.. trying to rider through it I got knocked off my boad more times than i can count..

thought my old 160 board would be the trick that got me going.. but its only a great down winder.. not a good board for today as "down wind" equaled shore.

oh well. next year.

seeing 60 kites flying and launching at same time was pretty damn cool .....
You weren't alone bro. Only I got stuck in the current in that first channel and pushed onto Caladesi right off the bat. And I was on a brand new Mako so I can't even use my board as an out!!! Walked a bit, then rode inside the shore break (which was a lot of fun) until I came to the first (short) pier. Got my a$$ handed to me in more ways than I thought possible time and time again. Tried to drag past the shorebreak more times than I can count, tried 2 times to ride out and on the third attempt while trying to hop a big wave, my board caught it and I got WORKED worse than ever before. Got hit in the head with the board (thanks helmet), the board leash (I will NEVER wear one again) wrapped around my neck pulling my right leg up behind my head and the kite looped at least once when I took one hand off the bar to get the leash off my neck. Ended up on shore on my stomach REAL fast...THAT is when I decided to call it a day.

On top of it all, I lost all my quarters, my cell phone was destroyed by water (went through about 5 ziplock bags), got on the wrong trolley and ended up in downtown Clearwater, then had to change trolleys twice more so had to wait longer...

But I wouldn't trade the experience for a million bucks! I learned a lot and a lot of my friends did well and I was glad to see that and to be able to be at the awards ceremony. I even got a picture with a cop and that crusty old nasty dude that wouldn't leave! It just doesn't get any better than that! Just being there and giving it everything I had in the tank was enough for me.
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Old 11-16-2006, 07:46 PM
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LOL Toby. Glad you're ok and finally made it back. I missed it all, I had to work.

Found some pictures, but the waves look fairly small so I am guessing this must be towards the finish line after the wind died down a bit.
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Old 11-17-2006, 05:46 AM
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shogun1204 shogun1204 is offline
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Default Glad to hear from you

Glad to hear from you Toby. I called your cell but keep getting your Voicemail, so glad you posted this. Now I know why it went straight to Voicemail!
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