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Old 10-14-2009, 05:17 AM
exuma kitesurfing
Posts: n/a
Default Exuma Kitesurfing Bahamas: Catamaran Kiteboarding Charters

Exuma Kitesurfing Bahamas: Catamaran Kiteventure Kiteboarding Charters

Join Exuma Kitesurfing for a fantastic kiteboarding and sailing experience. Exuma Kiteventure will deliver you to our Kiteventure locations in comfort and style aboard our St Francis 44', four cabin catamaran. This trip is for beginner and accomplished kiteboarders. Groups no larger than four kiteboarders will spend a week (8 days, 7 nights) kiteboarding, sailing, and relaxing in the Exumas ...

Exuma Kiteventure catamaran kiteboarding charter trips include:

• 5 Kiteventure stops
• Breakfast, lunch and dinner
• Cabin with bathroom
• Boat support
• Transportation to and from airport
• Free 2010 Slingshot Demos
• 10% of your cost toward Slingshot gear purchase from Exuma Kitesurfing

Exuma Kiteventures leave on Saturday and return on the following Saturday or join us mid-trip no later than Tuesday.

Single cabin (one person): $1960
Single cabin (one person), daily (four day minimum): $318
Couples cabin (two people): $3660
Couples cabin (two people), daily (four day minimum): $550

Slingshot quiver and board gear rental option: $600

8 hour beginner lesson package option (all kiteboarding gear included): $840

Exuma Kiteventure dates:

November 14th - 21th
December 5th - 12th
January 2nd - January 9th
January 16th - 23nd
January 30th - February 6th
February 20th - 27th
March 6th - March 13th
March 27th - April 3rd
April 17th - April 24th

Click here for more cat pics:

For more information email us at:

Last edited by exuma kitesurfing; 01-18-2010 at 07:34 PM. Reason: typo
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