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Old 12-02-2011, 06:47 PM
Huntersirg Huntersirg is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Location: Palm Harbor
Posts: 19
Default Kitebag and pump Stolen from Sunset 12/2 1pm-3pm

The bag was for a 2012 Liquid force envy 12m its blue, white and a few spots of orange. Had the original kite repair kit in it.

The pump is a tan LF with a gauge and the maxflow fittings.

The worst part is that mine and a friends keys were both in the bag, both chip keys of course costing upwards of $250 to replace.

I'm hoping some one just thought it was left and picked it up.

A police report has been filed and with the cost of replacing the keys and everything else this will be a felony if they are caught with this. If you know or find out who took this let them know no charges will be pressed if everything is returned.

Offering $100 reward for its return or any information that leads to an arrest.

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