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Old 07-28-2010, 01:46 PM
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I contributed some photos to the section on South Florida in this book. It was originally published in German and the English version has just been released. It is a nice publication, good weight glossy paper almost like a coffee table book in paper back. For kiters who are collectors of the very few books on our sport, here's a good candidate. There is extensive research on destinations, conditions, accommodations, shops, evaluating wind, waves, weather and still more. Get to know the world of wind sport destinations from your easy chair. And, it makes a nice present for that hard to buy for kiteboarder in your life.


"Press release, July 2010



As kiters and windsurfers, two fundamental questions occupy our minds: ‘Where shall I go for my next trip?’ And having got there, ‘Which spot’s best today? This book provides the answers...

THE WORLD KITE AND WINDSURFING GUIDE is the first comprehensive spot guide to planet Earth’s finest kite- and windsurfing regions! Introducing almost 100 regions in nine continental chapters, it features over 1,200 of the world’s best spots. Fully illustrated with 700 breathtaking photos and detailed maps of every region, there’s in-depth analysis of wind, wave and weather conditions throughout the year to highlight the best times to visit. The Guide also offers real-world travel information with essential tips on what to expect in each region and handy hints for a successful trip. Last but not least there are contact details for local shops, shapers, schools and kit hire as well as accommodation, restaurants, rental cars and other insider knowledge."

Let's have a look inside ...

Central and Southern California

Southern Chile

South Florida (in German from the first edition)

"Featured continental chapters: Europe, Africa, Indian Ocean, East Asia, Australia, Pacific Islands, North America, Central America & Caribbean, and South America.
The effort behind this 320-page work was enormous: as with stoked publications’ first EUROPE GUIDE in 2005, all information was collated first-hand from hundreds of experienced locals. Added to which over 50 pro riders, world champions and wind sports legends contributed their knowledge and experience. The ‘Wall of Fame’ is adorned with names like Antoine Albeau, Kristin Boese, Pete Cabrinha, Björn Dunkerbeck, Aaron Hadlow, Robby Naish, Ruben Lenten, Ben Wilson and many, many more – a real who’s who of the global kite and windsurfing scene. And finally the archives of the world's hundred leading photographers had to be scoured – out of 20,000 action and scenic shots, the best 700 pictures were selected for the book.

“Sometimes, this project was more difficult than battling out through huge surf in storm-force winds,” admits Udo Hölker, editor of the WORLD GUIDE. “But it was worth the effort, the whole planet’s fantastic kite and windsurfing conditions now lie before us like an open book – quite literally. Sure, you can get on the water in areas we haven’t covered, but even if you took three trips a year these WORLD GUIDE regions would last you 30 years!”
THE WORLD KITE AND WINDSURFING GUIDE is now available at as well as in surf shops and bookstores worldwide.

FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi

Last edited by admin; 07-28-2010 at 02:20 PM.
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