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Old 02-11-2006, 02:27 AM
PrayFaWind27 PrayFaWind27 is offline
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500EPILOT! it's April 2 the first Sunday indeed, that's a good idea to start a month earlier cause by March we already starting to see its affect.
check out this website
it louded with info bout it DLST
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Old 02-12-2006, 09:11 PM
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Default well for once mateo did not miss much

whyle I was standing on the beach contenplating on going trying to justify poss going out in between rain bands in a noth wester, that crazy italian swiss banker got me to launch him.
with roger gone mateo has picked up where his buddy left off.
killer lofty airs in 25+kts.
he lasted for about 1/2 an hour before the wind started to spike and then came in.
well done mate , kind of glad I did't go out my ,better judgment said live to ride another day.
there is no way shuman would of been able to ride his 16m cb in that wind . but I know he would of tryed.(mabe it's good that shuman is working, that way he can live to ride another day).
anyways that is sundays report.
this up and coming week looks prity good I hope shuman boss dosent log on to this forum.
leave nothing but wake take nothing but photos
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Old 02-13-2006, 12:15 AM
PrayFaWind27 PrayFaWind27 is offline
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Sounds like Matteo had a blast, I wish I was there I was indeed
going to try and ride, boy! wouldn’t it be something
If I could ride that 16 C bow in 25+ knots. It really sucks for real
This week is looking good and my only 2 days off are Mon and Tues and
As it stands now, this should be my last year here, in the Bahamas,
I’m getting Married in Jan 07 and moving to Boston, I’m missing killer kite boarding days, makes me wonder if I’m wasting my last months working
At Atlantis and should be begging Mocean for a kite instructor job ;-) . I’m
truly hoping that I can make up for lost days during the day light saving times.
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Old 02-13-2006, 05:44 PM
Matteo Matteo is offline
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Shup, where were you today ?? Didn't miss much at Goodman's today, too on&off and when I got there the party was over !!
Golf anyone ??
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Old 02-16-2006, 03:37 PM
PrayFaWind27 PrayFaWind27 is offline
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I fell asleep, i'm glad i did judging from what you said the conditions was.
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Old 02-16-2006, 04:06 PM
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Default well another 1 bites the dust

the wind was 16 to 18kts today (love at first sight) I was out riding with Laz and dawn off moter yacht Camile (huricane hole marina)
and that crazy pom decided to start learning trasition airs whyle the tide was going out.
I think you guys know what happend next.
broke his leg just above the ankel.
I had a nice time carting him in over my sholder from 300 yards out.
I thought if forset gump could lug old buba out before the nahpalm hit I could lug out that crazy pom before he went into shock.
anyways I will keep you all posted on his recovery.
Laz had surgery last night had to get a plate and some pins put in.
the good news is his wife recons by the time he recovers she will be rippen it up and he will be the kite caddy.6 week with a cast on and 6 months before he can ride again.
that sux.
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Old 02-16-2006, 07:25 PM
Matteo Matteo is offline
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went out today too, at Sandy Port beach (didn't feel like driving anywhere else). I was out with 16m and fairly powered up....but I already miss the Blue Hill flat water !!

It looks like we'll have few days of calm.......I hope before the storm !!!
Golf anyone ??
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Old 02-27-2006, 01:13 PM
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Default whats the wind doing

looks like it's clocking backwards , this morning it was e n e and now in the arvo it's N man I want to ride at blue hill .
no water at blue hill untill late this arvo.
oh well mabe tomorrow
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Old 03-16-2006, 11:56 AM
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Default the myth

well yesterday my partner finnaly came over and ripped it up at goslow bend.
he had the trafic at a standstill I could here the funnyest coments from passers by .
the myth of the kitehouse paul menta finnaly got to ride at go slow and loved it.
thanks for coming down paul
leave nothing but wake take nothing but photos
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