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Old 11-27-2007, 08:27 PM
Tom Stock
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Excluding the thruster (I haven't tried the new one), I would say that if you are considering a 14, then the 14 Era is hands down the best kite of those mentioned.

It's like a hypertype with a different bridle (so it won't overshoot your head). The kite is incredible... I jumps really really good, has a ton of power, and has really good low end. I don't own one but I've ridden one a few times and was really impressed every single time. I looped it and it was so quick it was back at 12 and pulling before I hit the water.

Every experienced rider I know who rode it really liked it a lot. I am about 90% positive it's going to replace my 16M 2006 waroo.

I'm 190 and rode it from 13 - 20 no problem.

Maybe Bob will let you take a spin on his if you by him a chicken sandwich on the way out to the skyway lol.
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Old 11-28-2007, 05:16 AM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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YOU are welcome to give my ERA a spin. I'm headin to the East coast today to move a boat to Freeport, I'll be back Sat. Order up some wind for the weekend, a strong SE would be nice.


PS I'm always hungry, a tender crisp chicken sandwich will get you an extended demo.

PPS The King kicks Wendy's ass when it come to chicken. Only a brand loyal fastfood pimp would say otherwise
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Old 11-28-2007, 12:21 PM
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Yo guys, I've got the hands down best chicken sandwich only available at Chick-Fil-A!!! You've GOTTA try it!!!
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Old 11-28-2007, 12:24 PM
Skyway Scott
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I agree. Chik fil A is the best.
All other FFR (fast food restaurants) are OBSOLETE.
Wendy's can bite me, their fries suck
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Old 11-30-2007, 08:59 PM
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Get the #1 on a wheat bun(30 cents xtra)- add a little Polynesian sauce and switch the fries for fruit or carrot salad.
For breakfast- Chicken breakfast burrito combo with OJ,fruit, and (good) salsa.
If the manager is working the window, throw them a compliment on their store/employees for a free chicken sandwich card- works every time!!!

BTW- demoing Freak Dogs sat. and sun. EARLY. at East Beach, check Sean's thread for kite info.
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Old 12-01-2007, 11:26 AM
Airgasm Airgasm is offline
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Default 170 lbs I can easily hold the 14 Era down in 25....and having a blast in your size I would guess you could safely add 5 knots to my speeds...which means pretty much a one-kite-quiver in the Era


Pain is weakness leaving the body...
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Old 12-01-2007, 06:13 PM
WindRyder WindRyder is offline
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I rode the 12M Era and 13M 08 Waroo today, back to back at St. George Island. I weigh 140 lbs and was riding my CF Pro Ltd 125x41 as the winds lightened up quite a bit:12-13mph. I was also using the 45cm Best bar with both kites. I would have to say that the Era has bit better low end than the Waroo, and the Era turns faster. I had the Waroo set in the AA position, and the kite felt very smooth, yet still sluggish. REMEMBER, the winds had died down, and I was only able to compare the kites' low end. Had it been blowing a knot or two more, the Waroo would have been more responsive and funner to fly. I have not ridden the 14M Era, but considering your weight and the experienced opinions of others who have ridden it, I would suggest the 14M Era. You will have the benefits of a faster turning kite, as I don't see how the 15M Waroo would be faster than the 14M Era based on today's comparison of the 12M and 13M kites, and just as much or more power than the Waroo 15. I am not knocking the 13M Waroo, but for me, I would have had more fun with it in higher winds, as the turning speed in the Era made up for it's smaller size with the apparent wind I could get with it.
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Old 12-01-2007, 06:35 PM
bayflite bayflite is offline
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i'd like to re-try the era cuz honestly guys,
i didn't see the big deal.
all kites rock.
don't taze me bro
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Old 12-01-2007, 09:02 PM
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Man you even got me even wanting to try the damn thing.

Wind rocks!!!!
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Old 12-02-2007, 06:10 AM
Skyway Scott
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I personally haven't found a better light wind kite for my likes.
But, I like being totally lit in 13 knots, having exceptional responsiveness, the turning speed of most 10m kites, phenomenal low end, all at a great price.
Being able to ride it up to almost 25 doesn't hurt either.

I have noticed that different people like different things from kites, so this kite is most likely not for everyone.

Some people like a lot of bar pressure so they can work out while riding, while some are mainly interested in water relaunch ability.
All kites rock for different reasons, is true.
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