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Old 01-13-2008, 06:58 PM
Skyway Scott
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Looks awesome.
Is there only one hole per fin?
I think UG use to have one hole on top and two dimples on the bottom to secure fins. Is that what you are doing?
I heard Josh doesn't even kite anymore.
Maybe I should take that off your hands.

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Old 01-13-2008, 07:40 PM
Tom Stock
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Argh. Well I got lucky, the dig into the rail was actually pretty minor once I trimmed everything up and shaped the rails. Did not need to do any fixes.

Here are some better pics from a real camera (instead of a cell phone)... the top is not bumpy it's just how the carbon/kevlar looks because it's not perfectly straight lines... it's diagonal instead.

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Old 01-13-2008, 07:43 PM
Tom Stock
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Originally Posted by Skyway Scott View Post
Looks awesome.
Is there only one hole per fin?
I think UG use to have one hole on top and two dimples on the bottom to secure fins. Is that what you are doing?
Yeah I only drilled the center hole. I think I am going to drill out the others half way (like the old undergrounds) and if josh wants to use standard fins all he has to do is drill them out from underneath. Pretty sure 3 holes will work with either type of fin.

@#$# I want to keep this board REAL BAD.

But I am curious to see if Josh will ever break it (assuming he likes how it rides.. if not no big deal). I have serious doubts about it breaking.
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Old 01-13-2008, 08:10 PM
Skyway Scott
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Well. It seems pretty obvious you can build a board now.
If you start to nail the flex patterns and get that dialed, I won't ever buy a board from anyone but you (seriously).
Nailing the flex is probably 50% of how the board feels, I bet, in terms of pop, softness of landing, etc.
What do other board makers say about that (flex idea) ?

Looks awesome.
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Old 01-13-2008, 08:32 PM
Galego Galego is offline
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Originally Posted by Tom Stock View Post
Took a nick out of a @#$@#$ rail with my router @#$$@. But, still working the rails anyway so I can fill it in and it'll be fine. Just pissed me off.
what kind of router set up are you using? template with bottom bearing?
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Old 01-13-2008, 08:45 PM
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that board looks sick! sorry tom unfortunately i'm about 99.9% sure i'll like it

I got a 555 120 for christmas, wonder which one i'll ride more.. i like the 555 alot, but it could be better, i'd rather ride my old 122 ug any day over the 555.. so we'll see..

well i guess i'll actually put these cabrinha stickers i have so much of on something now! lol
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Old 01-13-2008, 08:47 PM
Tom Stock
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Yes, but for the last time. I now have a better solution.


Flex softer ride, better in chop, softer landings, softer pop.
Stiffness, fast, a LOT of pop, will slip out in chop if overpowered.

This board is on the stiff side. The tips came out a lot thicker than I had planned because of the thickness of layup, which made the board on the stiff side. Since Josh rides mostly flat water and does a lot of unhooked wakestyle tricks he will probably like the extra pop.

Josh, Hey if not I honestly am not going to be hurt. I learned a lot of new tricks (and a few mistakes) making this board and it was a fun build. Besides it's a free board

Fortunately I did not have to pay for the $70 piece of Kevlar/Carbon on the top of the board ... that was a gift from Bob.

Forgot to add it has a lot of concave and very mild rocker. It's gonna be fast as hell.
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Old 01-13-2008, 08:51 PM
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hopefully we get some wind very soon and i can ride it!!
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Old 01-13-2008, 09:05 PM
Tom Stock
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Originally Posted by CrazyJay View Post
Tom I feel ya.... well, not literally... unless ya ask nice!
Don't ya hate it when you are routing and the edge gets thinner so your bushing guide slips off and ya cut right into the board.
I have about 5 boards that are 1/2" thinner than they were designed because of this.

Board looks sick!
Been there done that. Cursed like a sailor. Actually my router is such a P.O.S. (craftsman). There is a lot of play so when I push the guide against the template, the router bit will actually dig INTO the guide! After one board the guide is completely ruined.

Plus the kevlar/carbon in this board completely destroyed my 1/4" router bit.
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Old 01-13-2008, 10:29 PM
Galego Galego is offline
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Originally Posted by Tom Stock View Post
Been there done that. Cursed like a sailor. Actually my router is such a P.O.S. (craftsman). There is a lot of play so when I push the guide against the template, the router bit will actually dig INTO the guide! After one board the guide is completely ruined.

Plus the kevlar/carbon in this board completely destroyed my 1/4" router bit.
tom, im a cabinet maker and i have many multiple tool including routers (porter cable)so if you want to use one just let me know.
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