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Old 11-30-2007, 08:54 AM
Skyway Scott
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I am curious as well.
It's obvious the fees and time dedication to be on the up-and-up are very high. Getting a Captain's license to properly run a passenger for hire operation, such as the Stiltsville, is a tedious and moderately costly process.
I know because I am in process right now with the Coast Guard.
I can't imagine what dockage fees must be in the Keys, they are already crazy here.

I have heard a few of you guys mention city permits and other hoops you have to jump through to be legit as well. Is that just in the Keys you have to do that?
Or is this something instructors everywhere in FL have to do?

Is it technically not lawful to give kiting lessons without particular city permits?
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:41 AM
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each city is different on their own permits if needed. the bare minimum tho' is to be a licensed boat captain if you have people come aboard your vessel as a business. Also you have to register with the state as a business to get your tax ID number.

I know because I am in process right now with the Coast Guard.

hey scott, if you need to use a dock or lifts ( 1x electrical 1x manual ) you are welcome to use mine anytime, I won't even charge much more than a ckn sndwch LOL!
You don't direct ostriches, you herd them
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Old 11-30-2007, 09:47 AM
The Kite House The Kite House is offline
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The law states you need to have a buss licence. If you pick up from anywhere, you must have the permision and it must be listed on you licence that you are a captian and 6 pack. Thats anywhere, and the costs in Miami and the keys are a fair amount, so thats why its tough when other people are teaching at half your price and paying nothing to do it. Its illegal, and it is only going to ruin what few riding spots are left. You will see, they tend to lump a whole sport in, with one thing. Look at Crandon, used to love riding there, now you need insurance[which i am not sure how valid it is] and other rules which are fine, but you have an outside contractor saying if you can kite there and makes money on you kiting there. As a rider, means most locals dont ride there anymore. I go by boat to ride those areas, then i am not under there jurisdiction. Mathison, will be next, but i see if they keep instructing there, you are just going to loose the whole spot. To clear up a point, i dont want to teach at either, Mathison scares me to teach there, find it horible that it goes on. Crandon, onshore, right to the bushes ro the swim area, to much liability for me. I am happy what i developed 5 years ago with going out to open area and leave the spots for riders. It would suck to loose more "riding " spots.
Aloha Paul Menta
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Old 11-30-2007, 10:16 AM
Skyway Scott
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Whenever anyone asks about kiting and lessons in this area, I recommend Steve-O at WSW.
I have never seen Steve give a lesson.
Think about it.

Thanks Raul. I have a backyard (no boat though ) LOL.
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Old 11-30-2007, 01:51 PM
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For what it is worth, I went out with Paul back on 12/19/03 or so with Eddie Toy and Jimbo Manning, back when Paul was getting things started down in Key West. We were in a much smaller boat than is being used now and I had just met Paul, so I was nervous about what I was getting into, especially when Paul was surfing that little-ass boat on the crazy waves going in every direction when we were exiting the harbor at Key West.

After we went out a few miles to some flats, however, and rigged and launched our kites in 2-3 feet of water, I relaxed and my entire perspective on kiting changed. We had butter flat water for miles all around in solid 20, with no crowds or obtacles nearby. The following session was amazingly devoid of any negatives, with all the positives kiting has to offer. We just ripped it up for hours on end. Even during heavy gusts, the lack of crowds or obstacles allowed me to enjoy the session without fear (and, yes, we were all on C kites, so that meant something back then).

I've been involved in this sport since 2001, but that late-2003 session remains one of my favorite kiteboarding experiences and epitomizes what I am looking for when I rig a kite, in terms of both conditions and camaraderie.

Boat-based kiting is not just for beginners. Every kiter who wants to know what it feels like to kite away from all of the bullsh*t that now seems to accompany all of the popular riding spots where everyone launches on land, give it a try.

Make the effort to go out by boat with a knowledgeable guide and you will not be disappointed. It will open your eyes to the boat-based kiteboarding opportunities here in Florida, which are presently hidden right under your noses. You won't look at kiteboarding the same way after you charge on a boat, I promise.
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Old 11-30-2007, 02:39 PM
clamike clamike is offline
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You are right E-bone it is a whole new world with a boat, I love being able to ride miles in each directions with no worries about crowds or obstacles. But it is also nice to go to a beach and get a quick session in. Though it seems like it is getting harder to find space with so many lessons going on in the prime riding spots.

All the nice shallow glassy areas in Crandon and Matheson have students flying their kite at 12, or doing wild downwinders towards shore. Crandon is slightly more regulated, but that makes it more centered around the school than the rider. Local riders are pushed out to deeper choppier water. And it is only a matter of time before a student starts looping his/her kite towards shore with the instructor trying to chase behind on foot.

You are right that it cost more to have a boat or jetski to do lessons, but the quality of the lesson improves with these tools. Land lessons should be cheaper because the students spends most the time walking back upwind (again, usually right through the riding area). With a boat people fly their kite almost the entire lesson, almost no walking.

As a licensed business one of the biggest expenses is taxes (as any legit business owner would know). It is disappointing to know that my tax dollars go to the parks where people are operating illegally or operating an uncontested concession.

Ultimately if, or when, the parks close to kiting we will be fine, still kiting offshore. It probably would increase our business. But that is not what we are after, instead it is keep as many riding spots open as possible and ask the local instructors to step up and do their part in helping keep kiting open in S. Florida. Don't contribute to the problem, be part of the solution. It will make your business even better.

Mike Minichiello
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Old 11-30-2007, 02:44 PM
CrazyJay CrazyJay is offline
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Props to Paul, Neil and Randy (our local) for doing lessons legally and safely.
This will only help establish Kitesurfing as a LEGITAMATE sport.

I own a company and work in the trades and since 2003 it has been very expensive and time consuming to keep a valid license. It cost me nearly $5000 per year for license and insurance but it has greatly reduced the "fly by night" handymen who do shoddy work and give us a bad name. Every professional tradesman I work with is in agreement... If we catch someone working a job without a license then we turn them in immediately.

I think you are completely within your rights to report anyone who teaches consistently without a county/city license and liability insurance. It only takes one bad apple to ruin it for the rest of us.

Cheers, jayson
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