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Old 07-21-2006, 07:00 AM
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Default anybody get some wind this morning

SW is saying 17???
handle passes are easy...
at least i think they were.. been so long i cant remember
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Old 07-21-2006, 07:38 AM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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I don't know whats up. I came across the SW at about 7:45 and it was blowin 12 to 14 SSE. Nobody was out that I could see. I took my gear out of the car after two weeks of nothing... figures

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Old 07-21-2006, 08:29 AM
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none of the websites forecasted it or i would have been there...
handle passes are easy...
at least i think they were.. been so long i cant remember
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:44 AM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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Anyone see the SW prediction on Ikitesurf for Sunday? It is showing 14-22... :roll:
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Old 07-22-2006, 01:28 PM
Skyway Scott
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Toby, what is your point? LOL

Oh, just to rub it in, last two late afternoons have had 15 to 20 3 hours before/until sunset. Tonight should be a repeat.
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Old 07-23-2006, 12:23 PM
Skyway Scott
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Chris Moore rode with us last night. It was good pretty good (15+)

Team rider Jim Manning brought home some SS Link kites from the Gorge and Donna, myself and bunch of others rode the 12m kites last night. One was rigged 5th line and one was rigged hybrid style using a bridle system. (The same kite can be rigged both ways).

I will have pics and some rider reviews coming soon on the Extreme kite forum.
Demo coming very soon as well.
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Old 07-23-2006, 10:01 PM
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toby wilson toby wilson is offline
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Originally Posted by Skyway Scott
Toby, what is your point? LOL

Oh, just to rub it in, last two late afternoons have had 15 to 20 3 hours before/until sunset. Tonight should be a repeat.
I honestly didn't believe it until I saw it! Great session today and I only rode for like 2 hours because my back is so sore.

After wakeboarding yesterday I was winching the boat back onto the trailer and slipped in some muck on the boat ramp and came down hard on the concrete ramp on the upper part of my back. It's really sore and riding today (and hopefully tomorrow) definitely didn't help...
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Old 07-24-2006, 07:38 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I was teasing. Ikite forecasts are the worst! One out of 365 is just lucky.
Glad you guys got some yesterday

SS appears to have a real winner on their hands this year.
Should be a great year for kites.
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