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Old 01-12-2012, 06:40 PM
Bimini Kiteboarding Bimini Kiteboarding is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 15
Default Kiteboarding in the Bahamas

Bimini Kiteboarding recently changed location to North Bimini. We are now based in the Bimini Big Game Club, A Guy Harvey Outpost.

Bimini is a beautiful place to Kiteboard and being located only 45 miles from Florida makes it a great place for weekend visits. Bimini gets approx. 4-5 knots more than our Florida friends and this year has been the windiest in years.

As we approach the windiest months February and March our instructors are building some Kickers and Rails to Float out onto the Flats.

Be sure to contact the Bimini Big Game Club, mention that you are coming to Kiteboard and receive a lower room rate. Also check out the Hemingway suite on where you get a hot tub in your room.

See you in Bimini soon.....
Bimini Kiteboarding
Bimini Big Game Club
North Bimini

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bahamas, bimini, kiteboarding, paddleboarding

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