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Old 12-06-2004, 04:59 PM
Big Pappa Big Pappa is offline
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Location: Birmingham Al
Posts: 6
Default Re: Destin Curious

Originally Posted by TJay
I was wondering where you took lessons in Destin. I get over there three or four times a year, and will be moving to Pensacola early next year.
I want to find someone to take lessons with as soon as I can.
I have lots of experience with stunt kites but none with kiteboarding.

Is it safe to asume that any large foil would help with kite experience until such time as I can get to a trainer?

I took lessons from here. The store is a real little place off of the main road but where you learn is empty beach. A real good learning environment.
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Old 12-06-2004, 04:59 PM
Big Pappa Big Pappa is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2004
Location: Birmingham Al
Posts: 6
Default Re: Destin Curious

Originally Posted by TJay
I was wondering where you took lessons in Destin. I get over there three or four times a year, and will be moving to Pensacola early next year.
I want to find someone to take lessons with as soon as I can.
I have lots of experience with stunt kites but none with kiteboarding.

Is it safe to asume that any large foil would help with kite experience until such time as I can get to a trainer?

I took lessons from here. The store is a real little place off of the main road but where you learn is empty beach. A real good learning environment.
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