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Old 09-22-2004, 07:42 AM
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Default SURF EXPO 2004 - AIRUSH

*** SURF EXPO 2004 ***

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Back to Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida, USA to see what the manufacturers are bringing to kiteboarding.

The Show floor.
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... and to checkout other intriguing aspects of this huge water sports and apparel show.

The KGB Girls on display and heading your way ...

Kites, uh, yeah ... we're here to look at kite gear! Some articles in this series will treat a single exhibitor
when a lot of content was provided in other cases a few exhibitors will be described in a given article.

So, let's start off with Airush.


The Airush booth staffed by Dimitri Maramenides, team rider for Airush.
Full size:

Note: the carpet in front of the booth is straight, not shaped along a 90 degree bend. The composite photo
distorts the alignment of the image.

The X-Pact, one of the FIFTY plus boards types and sizes offered by Airush this year. The X-Pact is intended
for intermediate to advanced riders that want a very durable board.

I have added some water shots
provided by Dimitri. Some reflect hurricane conditions in OBX in the recent active summer season.

Jeff Howard started making these bomber plywood boards recently for Airush and at an attractive price.

I have also included some photos of teamrider, Gisela Pulido, 10 years old, who recently won the world
championship for the women's junior division of the KPWT. The photos are from her website at:

The Secret is stated to deliver performance at a reduced price for the advanced intermediate rider.

Dimitri is pointing at the Reactor which replaces the Lift Pro. Dimitri told me the good (and bad thing)
about the reactor is that it is a very, VERY fast kite. Airush even includes the following warning with this kite:
Dimitri said it is a light and efficient kite but can still stand up to abuse, he said his kite hits the water more
than the average beginner as he pushes the evelop.

The kite has been reinforced at critical wear points.

Showing some of the extra abrasion panels on the leading edge of the kite.

A photo of the Reactor underway (Water photo credit: Airush)

The Pilot which replaces the Trio. Dimitri said the Pilot is a good choice for new kiters and for schools
and is very stable in flight.

The Flow back again for 2005. Dimitri indicated that the Flow is not only good in waves but also delivers
excellent jump hang time.

The Lift back again for 2005. Dimitri described the Lift as being very stable with a pull like a truck.
All the Airush 2005 kites can be rigged with a 5th line attachment.

Dimitri had a serious kiteboarding altercation with a tree while in Greece last year.

Flying over Greek Waters
Photo credit: Marc Jorrens,

The accident resulted in some reworking of his ankle as shown above. Dimitri tells me it helps with his stability while riding.
Will a future Surf Expo cover intentional surgical riding enhancements?!
How about kiteboarding weedwacker to tackle threatening shrubs?

Details and photos related to the accident at:

More about Dimitri at:

Dimitri also called attention to the kite/board bag present at the left of the image.

The Airush collection of bars and accessories.

Be sure to checkout the Airush website at: and with your local retailer should you have questions.

Say goodnight Alice? спокойной ночи

Be back soon with more from Surf Expo 2004, stay tuned ...

Copyright FKA, Inc. 2004
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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