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Old 09-10-2006, 06:10 PM
KKS KKS is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 19
Default Kiteboarding Research:Risk Management,Participation,Injuries

Hi my name is Kevin, and as part of my doctoral studies at Rocky Mountain University of Health Professions I am investigating participation levels in kiteboarding and events that lead to the occurrence of injuries in kiteboarding.

I have developed an on-line survey that is 100% anonymous and confidential.
Would you mind filling out the survey?

You can enter the survey even if you have not had any kiteboarding injury. I need 281 subjects to have a valid study. I have included the Sign-Up form which can be accessed through;

The information from the survey is going to be vitally important for kiteboarders considering risk management issues, orthopedic surgeons and rehabilitation specialists in understanding the unique causes of injury found within the sport of kiteboarding.

Once you have read the consent information and sent it back to us, the software will send you out the survey which should take about 3-4 minutes to fill in.

Thanks for participating.
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