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Old 02-24-2009, 06:40 PM
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Arrow FREE STYLE !!! - Kiteboard Masters Pt. II

Heading back to Miami and Crandon Park for more of the Kiteboarding Masters 2008 (in 2009!?). Photos from the day appear below in no particular order.
(Click photo for full sized image.)

The Port of Miami is just to the north. You can see traffic ease in and out through the day with kiters ripping in the foreground.

First a couple of looks at the course race again ...

Another view of things just before the start.
(Click photo for full sized image.)

Just after the start and the kiters are stretching out. Who do you recognize in the stream of racers?
(Click photo for full sized image.)

Shifting gears from the course race to free style ...

Looks like lenticulars are forming over the Stubai, whoops shifted a bit too far. Back to Key Biscayne. By the way, be sure to checkout the write up and photos for the course race in the first part of the day HERE. Some unusual perspectives came out of that one.

Stacey throws a ralley

Spectators get off on the action on the water

Melissa comes in for a landing before Dave

Damo checks out the world inverted, passing along

Joe is having a blast and it shows

Jose gets ready to head out


Tommy reaches almost grabs the bar in a pass but just misses. He threw moves down hard continuously throughout.

There can be a lot of sprinting in these events, proven by Will booking back upwind with able assistance from Stacey helping out with his board. He rides for Naish and Stacey works with Best, is that great or what!

Damo, Billy and Dave line up

Jaaz of MKB show here with his moblie communication. I didn't know that normal sized amphibious cell phones were out. You can take this phone into the shower. Why would you want to do that anyway?

There goes Christophe striding north over the flats

Lonny shows off some of that excellent "no straps" balance. Hang in there!

Damo passes as Will moves in

Joe Ruscito pops one

Up and out there

Stacey throws one

Tommy slides out

All Melissa's stretching pays off

Damo books in

I am not sure what is going on but it looks backwards and Gebi is pulling it off of course

Coming in for touchdown sans bar

May have to rename this a kiter's stretch, used to be named after hurdlers. Garry walks in the background.

Times like this you really appreciate those crunches!


Reminds me of a snowboarding move

The Kahuna just out from Best

Burning in

Champion form shows, lots of other hot talent on the water too

The wind eased just following the completion of the free style event. Unfortunately halting the session on the new mega slider. Next time! Garry paddles out on a JL standup board

The winners of the free style competition, Damo taking first for the men and Melissa for the women. Great job to all!

Damo also wins the best trick of the day award, great low key guy too.

It was a fun day, thanks!

Photos by Rick Iossi
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi

Last edited by ricki; 02-25-2009 at 07:45 PM.
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:13 PM
agatagog agatagog is offline
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Thank you Rick for posting all the nice stuff that I've missed :-)
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Old 02-24-2009, 09:31 PM
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You're welcome Agata! You were there though, got the pictures to prove it. Glad you got your board back in any case.

Remember to check out photos from the first part of the contest at:

FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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Old 02-25-2009, 07:12 PM
miamikiteboarding miamikiteboarding is offline
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Thanks Rick ,
We all had a blast last Saturday : Blessed by the wind , we managed to run 3 Races and the Freestyle Contest we were missing last April 2008.

Most of the Registered riders and sponsors attended this Part 2 of the KITE MASTERS 2008.
Check the link below to view a Selection of Pictures from Riders, Spectators and Contest that day.

Here are the Results of Each Contest :

RACE MEN ( 23 participants M & W )
1st - Damian leroy
2nd - Kent Marincovic
3rd - Mike Gebhardt

1st - Melissa Gil
2nd - Stacey Fonas

FREESTYLE ( 17 Participants )
1st - Damian Leroy
2nd - Tom Field
3rd - Will Caldwell

BEST TRICKS ( Trophy offered from Subskin Apparel ) = KGB to Blind Damian Leroy

Click here to view images:

Pictures credit : Rick Iossi ( Fksa ) - Thierry Dehove ( tropical Kitesurfing Paradise) - Barbie Bischof

Thanks to Neil Hutchinson from X-rated /SLingshot and Kent Marincovic from Cabrinha/ ASM, for their support on running the Races and the Contests .

The 2009 MIAMIKITEBOARDING MASTERS of this year will happen in Mid April - We will send an Update for the confirmed dates very soon.

Stay tune on the forums and our websites.

Christophe RIBOT- Manager
Agata Gogolowska - Communication
and the Miamikiteboarding Team
MIAMIKITEBOARDING - Miami's First School

Christophe Ribot
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Old 02-26-2009, 05:05 PM
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Hey Rick,

Thanks for the great photos! You always do such an amazing job putting these posts up. I know how much work they are! Thanks also to Chris and the MKB crew for putting on the event. It was a great day and a lot of fun - even if I did get wiped out at the mark and tore my foot open in my freestyle heat! Can't wait for more!
Dedicated to the progression and evolution of strapless kitesurfing!
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Old 02-27-2009, 10:33 AM
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Originally Posted by Lonny View Post
Hey Rick,

Thanks for the great photos! You always do such an amazing job putting these posts up. I know how much work they are! Thanks also to Chris and the MKB crew for putting on the event. It was a great day and a lot of fun - even if I did get wiped out at the mark and tore my foot open in my freestyle heat! Can't wait for more!
Hey Lonny,

You're welcome and thanks! I didn't know you hurt yourself. What did you hit? Also, being into losing the straps in a big way. What do you know about health benefits to guys riding strapless with some limited leg, knee and ankle problems? I don't have any myself, thank God, but some folks do. It could be a good motivating factor to shift to your way of riding.
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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