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Old 11-19-2008, 06:23 AM
kent kent is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 430


you might want to check with Gebi as he has just returned from the speed event in Africa. He was training Rob Douglas to break 50knots. According to him, you really don't need 25-30 as even 20 will do. Due to the fact that you're not breaking any records, it's really just the fastest on that day that counts. While flat water seems nice, looking at the course in Fuerte shows pretty rough water and normal conditions. Hopefully Gebi can help with some ideas. I think that the speed idea is a great one, but from what i understand it is just as board specific as course racing.

I'm sure that if you host an event that he would be happy to give a clinic or something. Good luck. Gebi you out there?

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