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Old 04-16-2006, 09:48 PM
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Stevil Kenevil Stevil Kenevil is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 171

Maybe this story will make you feel better about your new dents. I will try 2 keep it short. About 8 years ago, I subcontracted a job to a local installer, who ended up quitting halfway through the job, and starting a fistfight in the doorway of my customer's showroom. After this incident, I filed a police report, but opted not to press charges. The guy was convinced that I still owed him some $$$, which was not the case, so he sees me picking up a trailer full of materials one day, and decides to road rage me, causing 3000 dollars in damage to my truck. He was arrested on the spot and charged with 2 felonies.When this guy was arrested, the officer didn't even ask for his insurance info(because it was criminal). Wouldn't his insurance co. wanna know that he is mowing people down in his vehicle?
I went to EVERY court appearance to assure I would get my restitution $$$., They reduce his charges to misdemenors, to GUARANTEE my $$$, put him on probation until july 2007, and kept him out of jail (to work and pay me off).I was being more than fair, only wanting my truck repaired.A week later,the judge changed the restitution order to a lien for no apparent reason.I may never get paid.(at least I am earning 10% interest on nothing!) One of his early release hearings I attended, I couldnt see him in the courtroom, until I looked up front at the guys in orange jumpsuits and shackles!!! He had gotten a DUI, while on probation for road rage.However, within a few weeks he had another hearing and was released.Case closed...To this day, I havent been compensated for my damages,my truck is still F'd up, and he was released from probation last year.
I want everyone to know that I have never even hit a curb in that truck, It has been run into 4 times. 3 hit and runs and a road rage. One of the hit n runs, I had my door open in a parking lot, a guy whipped into the space and hit my open door. He then floored it and left, never to be found. 2 more where I was not at the vehicle.
Hey kev- you feeling better yet? I hope so....
"Never pay more for a car, than you pay for a kite".
I think me and bayflite should have a used car sale very soon...
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