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Old 09-04-2007, 12:33 PM
Skyway Scott
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Default Signage, EB and the Rangers

The talk with Superintendent Wilson (and four other rangers listening and adding input) went very well. The talk was not pre-arranged, Scott and I just walked in (still damp from riding) in shorts and flip flops. Wolfie did a great job, btw.
Mr. Wilson invited some other rangers to join us as we talked. It lasted about a half hour. The mood of all rangers seemed very supportive and laid back toward us in general. Mr. Wilson is still a very nice guy and still very much on our side. I should clarify, he is on the side of every single user of the park and really wants people (kiters, kayakers, windsurfers, beach goers.. all of us) to enjoy themselves when at the park. Sometimes this could get tricky, I imagine. Anyway, I view him as taking tremendous pride in the park and wanting to share it with all who enter. Pretty cool. All the rangers said last year was a good year in their opinions in regards to kiting (no deaths or Bay-Flites!!)

I am sure Scott Wolfe will testify to all the above. Maybe even add (hint) to this.

Anyway, the skinny.

1. Mr. Wilson liked the general idea (not jumping for joy.. but not down on it). He obviously likes that we care enough to want to keep the area "organized and safe" and appreciates our efforts at working together as a community to keep EB as organized and safe as possible as our numbers grow.
2). He really likes the words recommendation and suggestion. He HATES the words rule, enforce, must etc. when applicable to our sign.
3). A permanent sign just doesn't seem possible. But, one that we bring out ourselves on weekends (or whenever we want) is more than welcome, with the understanding that the phrasing is "Kiting safety and organization recommendations" or similar.
4). We are more than welcome to store this portable sign next to the ranger station, with all of their portable signs, if it helps.

That's kind of the skinny. It'd be cool to hear some ideas on possible portable signs at this point. In terms of type, size, color... etc.
We obviously can talk to the rangers more about this in the future if necessary. I would actually recommend people just occasionally sticking their heads in there after they ride to say "hi" and
"EB rocks!!" or whatever. I know I am going to.
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