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Old 04-23-2010, 02:58 PM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Parrish
Posts: 771

I wasn't aware that was still a problem with SS kites. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, it was a HUGE problem circa 2004. I was a loyal SS rider from around 01 to 04/05, but had to stop riding the kites. It simply wasn't worth it to me to constantly be screwing with the bladders and missing sessions due to it. SS customer service (at that time Jim Shephard) was very gracious with new, free bladders for LE and struts... but... the problem was so rampant that replacing at least one bladder every other time I wanted to ride wasn't (even close to) worth it so I stopped riding SS (even before the Links came out )

I really wasn't aware this was still a problem, as I don't see it happening at our launch spots. Seems like SS has some pretty good kites out now too, so this isn't a slam. I am honestly interested in this, more out of curiosity than anything.

I find the experiment interesting. What temp was the water?
What temp can a car reach? Obviously the thermal properties of water are different from air. Not sure that experiment is valid, to be honest.
Placing the kite in your car outside in the sun, then seeing same effect on the glue after 30 minutes (or 6 hours) would be more realistic (from a scientific point of view).

Anyway, no doubt that glue totally sucked a.s.s a few years ago. It was THE reason I stopped riding SS, after owning at least 12 of them.
I thought SS figured this out and fixed it though (?)
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