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Old 10-01-2007, 07:54 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a
Default Man it was windy!

(It just gusted past 45... yikes). It's been exceptionally windy lately.
I don't think this is normal for this time of year. I also saw 2 white pelicans near the SW today, they seem to be here pretty early. I am not complaining by any means, but unless I have a really lame memory, this seems pretty early for such strong winds. And strong for hours on end

I actually got blown off a 7m 'roo at one point in what I think was 40 knots. WTF? 40? How many times are we going to hit that number this year? It's pretty unreal. The windier the better is kind of my philosophy, as long as you are rigged right. I guess I need a 5m? (????)

Jayson or some other vet, is it windier lately on these easts, or am I just imagining things?

I got to ride with Bob and Tom today and it was the most fun I have had in quite some time. Both were jumping big and it was fun to watch them. Tom busted some huge airs on his 12m in almost 30 knots (we were at least 200 yards offshore) and then took out Bob's 7m waroo.
I think I hit my highest jump ever in solid 35 on that 7m waroo.
It's been awhile since I have jumped and thought "holy crap... this is high". But on one jump, I definitely remember thinking "Man, this is way more height than I am use to".

Insanity is what today was, 15 to 30 plus, back down to 20, then right back to 35 plus again, typical St. Pete winds (up and down) but very strong. Lots of fun.
Tom, you really need a smaller kite... seeing you litt in 30 on a 12 is fun and all, but damn.

Bob, the 10 finally got here.
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