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Old 01-22-2008, 10:54 AM
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Default sore ribs and one leg bigger than the other

Yeah, another good one, Neill.

The water start was MUCH better than the shore Chaos from the first Jup-Tiki race. It also made for a level playing field.

What I'm learning is that even with 60 miles and more than 2 hours to make up ground, you never have a moment to waste. As the group moves at over 20mph, when you look up after falling off the board, you feel like you just fell off a train that's heading off in the distance.

The other thing I'm learning is the old rabbit and turtle philosophy. I chose the fastest board I own, but not the most comfortable. When I needed to, I could shoot past someone. My GPS even showed a max speed of 42mph after outrunning one of those big swells. But the constant chatter and lack of board traction kept me from really keeping up those high speeds, and probably caused me to fall more than I should have. And then, all the people I had zipped past, just cruised comfortably by me in my down times. So, a comfortable steady pace on the right gear is definitely the way to go next time for me.

More than a few people hugged the shore for very long distances. That sucked because the shallower water definitely had its advantages. Did any lifeguards report anyone?

I saw one shark eating something on the surface, several Men-o-war (plural?), and took one jelly fish to the face.

Looking forward to more...races; not jellyfish.
Skybanditz Kiteboard Centers
Miami, FL
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