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Old 09-21-2005, 07:19 PM
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ricki ricki is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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The premier of "Into The Air" came off during Surf Expo in Orlando, FL.

There was a nice turnout of about 200 riders and interested folks. There was a raffle of a lot of prizes from sponsors inclouding three kiteboards.

A legion of Leah's, looking good!

After an active day on the show floor people were ready for some entertainment and the movie delivered.

Shot on location in various parts of Puerto Rico, it captured the times of a group of well known kiters as they shredded and partied into a tribe.

The tribe doing tribal stuff like sucking down a flambe libation from a bamboo joint. Yum.

The film developed some insight into the lives and experiences of the kiters moving beyond the usual bill of fare of the genre.

Looking inward through a new yoga move.

The flick delivered the full gamet of prime shedding winds, calms and nuking squalls in exotic well filmed locales.

All together now ... S-Q-U-A-L-L = a black mass of potentially pretty nasty blow stuff sliding across the water. HINT - DON'T be there, at least not connected to a kite. Hollywood types, where's the stunt doubles when you need 'em, jeez!

Many of the kiters in the movie were present at the premier. There were even baby and early childhood shots of our riders and animated sequences. Good blackmail stuff!

Andy Hurdman about to apply autographs with a chunk of pineapple ala Goombay Smash to adoring fans.

I asked several of the riders off the screen what they thought of the movie having just seen it for the first time. Many said they were particularly nervous at times during the filming, didn't really show though. They liked the movie.

Having fun and living the life.

The riders came across as down to earth ... real people, imagine. Some of the non-riders came up and said wow, I get it, this is what kiteboarding is about.

Paul falls victim to the notorious Top Hat "kiter goose" as Antoine surges along.

"Into The Air" should be touring at home and abroad for a while at various film festivals. It makes for a good get togther with fellow riders. Eventually it will be available in DVD. Checkout the website for Cineforce Films for future viewing locations.

Keeping a weather eye peeled for squalls at the Kitehouse.

Well done Cineforce, Paul and all the kiters. The first full length kiteboarding movie feature has hit the streets.

The Globerider Girls hang out in a sea of riders.

Check it out when it comes your way, in the meantime pass the popcorn.

Ride on.

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