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Old 07-02-2012, 11:22 AM
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ricki ricki is offline
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Most of us focus on wind prospects for kiting sessions. We usually don't have to work in a potential emergency exit from the country with hard drives into our kiting plans via plane, ground or even kite! Take good care over there Andres and good luck. I hope things continue to stabilize vs. going the otherway.

Here's an excerpt from Andres' blog entry on this event ...

Besides going to our own little kiteboarding world, last weekend in particular was the perfect weekend for the event b\c there was a lot going on in Cairo/Egypt from the political stand point... The "rulers" of Egypt were going to decide if the parliament/constitution and such were going to be dissolved and if one of the presidential candidates was going to be disqualified. Lets just say there was plenty of potential for some bad things to happen... And if things are going to turn ugly wouldn't you rather be on the beach with friends kiteboarding instead of locked up in Cairo!!!

So of course me who always like to be prepared for the worst... Got together 3 jerry cans of extra fuel, passports, computers, hard drives and everything I absolutely needed in case we had to evacuate the country. Good thing about being in the Sinai peninsula in case we had to evacuate is that its easier to get out though the Sharm el-Sheikh airport then the Cairo airport, 2nd there is always the option of driving to Isreal or worst case we could theoretically kite board from Sinai to Jordan or Saudi Arabia!!!! OK OK... Maybe I am over reacting just a little...

FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi

Last edited by ricki; 07-02-2012 at 01:25 PM.
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