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Old 09-10-2007, 09:05 PM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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Scott, very good perspective on the current situation.

Some thoughts.

1. We need to continue this effort and not give up until we succeed with these ideas that we all seem to agree on.

2. Wolfie's idea with the bouy's is something I was discussing last week with Craig Whiteleather, a very safe rider. I don't see why we couldn't permanently put some bouys at both Skyway and East beach to allow for a safe buffer zone for outgoing riders and to remind folks to stay clear of the beach. Are there laws against having them in place on a permanent basis? Anyone?

3. It sounds like the signs are close to some completion. Let's get it done. Count WSW in for $100 towards signs.

4. As far as tagging goes, Triton and Watersports West have the most amount of instructors in the bay area. If we could put our resources together and agree on a tagging system hopefully other instructors/schools in the bay area will follow our lead. I will spearhead this with Matt.

Signs could be in place in less than a month as well as marker bouys.

Tagging could take a bit more time and have the most issues to deal with, but if we don't try, we will never know.

Let me know what you all think
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