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Old 10-02-2007, 07:17 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Here is my email to him.


This is Scott Fears.
I read the article about kiting "Accidents on the Rise" and it has a few misquotes. I mainly care about one and it actually has me very upset.

I never said that if a smaller kite was up Chris wouldn't be in the hospital. I don't even know what size kite he had up when the accident occurred, so it is literally impossible for me to make that determination.
Did you take notes, or just guess about what I said?

Please remove that quote. I focussed solely on the proximity to power lines in our discussion toward Chris and his accident.
I would appreciate it if the proximity to powerlines (something that can be controlled by decision processes) is focussed on more than the gust coming (the whole reason we control our distance from objects). There is no way Chris would have known on that day that a gust line was coming, especially with his experience level. Again, it is for this reason (mother nature is sometimes unpredictable) that safe kiters live by the saying "distance is your friend." I am hoping this article will reflect on this reality and that most of the time kiters are safe because we follow these safety guidelines.

In addition, kiting is more safe than SCUBA diving and many other recreational hobbies.
It seems the article mainly wishes to show kiting as dangerous. I find this odd, since this is literally the first injury in the news in this town, ever.

I am hoping at bare minimum my quote can be changed to reflect what I actually said.
Thank you,

Scott Fears
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