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Old 11-10-2004, 10:03 AM
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Reposted from the FKA email list:

"From: Sean Spencer <>
Date: Tue Nov 9, 2004 4:34 pm
Subject: Re: [FKSA] Crandon and Ft. Lauderdale Access Threatened


My name is Sean from Miami and while I kite mostly at
Matheson Hamock, I do go to Crandon occasionally. I
must admit, that every time I do, I'm totally shocked
at the wreckless riding going on by those who claim to
be advocating safe riding.

If park officials were at Crandon last week, they
would have seen top pros doing huge jumps and tricks
literally 20 feet off the beach with straight onshore
winds, and on a number of occasions, crashing their
kites right on the beach.

I've never felt compelled to contribute to this forum,
but I must say that if Crandon does close down, it's
the locals who are to blame. It's not like this is a
new issue.

Anyway, I'm sorry to sound like a jerk, but when the
same guy that's yelling at me to walk up wind causes
more potential danger than the guys he's yelling at, I
had to chime in."
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