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Old 02-02-2008, 09:18 PM
jon modica jon modica is offline
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Originally Posted by Skyway Scott View Post
I guess that's a "no" to the front ring method video.

I wouldn't be overly concerned with the front line leash method of self landing being overly picky about the kite being used with the technique. I have been using the technique since 2001 when Jeff Weiss showed me the mod for a front ring O-shit and technique to self land. It's worked for every kite I have owned (C or SLE) since then. I am pretty confident it work for all the Cabs. Isn't the worse that will happen is that the kite flags out downwind?

It'd be nice to see the video on here, since I think it would be helpful to many. Most won't use it on a regular basis for fear of scratching their kite, but in an emergency I think it'd be good for them to see the basics.
Still, in our society, I understand the fear of putting up a vid trying to help only to have some loser sue you over nothing. That leads to warning statements all over the place, etc. Sad, but true.

If you guys decide not to post the vid using the front line ring, I probably will. "They" can sue me and inherit my debt. ;-)
Hey Scott,
i think it would be best for people not to rely on the leash

the reason this method for landing works so well is

1. even if you screw up, you will be 100% safe

2. by using this technique you learn an important lesson on KITE CONTROL!!

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