Thread: city,s approval
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Old 05-23-2009, 06:20 AM
conchxpress conchxpress is offline
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They don't have the budgeted funds to take the pole out, but the one commissioners wife can run up a tab of a couple hundred thousand dollars on the city's credit card, and it looks like she's going to get away with it. Maybe we could ask her for a loan. As for the grill, I saw one of those solar grills in the sidewalk bazaar on one saturday outside of Paul's "Help Yourself". As long as the sun's out, the burgers are sizzlin', and no mess to contribute to the already "pristine" Smathers environment.

Do you think the city would mind if by mistake the marine company took out both those poles closest to the jetty? Why should they care if they're not going to pay for it.
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