Thread: anyone see..
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Old 08-20-2008, 09:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Steve-O View Post
Just throwin out things to think about. Spoke to some riders from East Beach yesterday, and the wind didn't get side off until late in the day. That is beside the point.

I always look for the best possible riding scenerio. That's just me. On an E or NE I always choose EB. For me, it feels like the safer option.
East Beach is covered with palm trees, steel signs, steel poles, channel markers, and cars very close to shore. I was always taught it is an advanced riding location due to the obstacles. As far as I remember there have been more serious accidents at East Beach than at the skyway. Some required an ambulance and one a helicopter. Isn't that where bayflite earned his unfortunate nick name? As far as I am concerned both locations are dangerous regardless of wind direction because wind direction can change in an instant especially if it is a squall.

The scene at Tiki beach was about as gruesome as it gets according to Neil. It has changed him, and how he is going to do things down there.
Have you ever heard the phrase a day late and a dollar short?
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