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Old 08-06-2008, 05:27 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Hopefully all this input helps. I think Gary has enough to work with now for sure.
I got the 50 pound setup to test out what will happen in 10 knots. I am curious if I will sink.

Yeah, I am not against big kites. I rode my 15m RRD almost exclusively a couple seasons ago. I pumped it up one day in 25 to 30 with Tom. (Why is beyond me).
That kite (imo) has more juice than just about anything ever made, so obviously big kites can be ridden in a lot of wind.

I am not trying (or wanting to) put my approach on anyone or talk them out of a big kite. I mainly just wanted to get the idea out there that a great light wind kite without a great board is like putting an awesome outboard on a crusty, barnacle covered hull and expecting to haul butt.
I will always be of the philosophy the board makes a bigger difference than the kite in the light stuff.

If the boards didn't make so much difference, racers wouldn't be pursuing so many odd looking boards and new board designs.

I actually really want one of those custom race board deals. Not so much so I can win anything (cuz I won't), but just for their low end and to haul ass in 15 knots sometimes. I am gonna wait a year til the "right" shape is honed in on a little more and then I think I will get one.
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