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Old 02-20-2008, 07:46 PM
Whitey Whitey is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 263

We do not need anyone to interpet the simple task of DO NOT GO BETWEEN THE BEACH AND THE SWIM ZONE MARKERS!

The rules of right away are printed for right of way for different types of powered vessels approaching each other. I know what they are. The reality of the matter is that we as kiteboarders are by far the most manoverable of all vessels on the water and also stand the most to loose in the case of contact, which is when the rules are looked at. So don't even think about your rights just avoid being in the vacenity of any person, solid object, or other vessel. Doesn't do any good to say you were right from the dirt nap.

We are the only ones on the water that have the ability to move at 20 kts with full 360 degree visibility not blocked by our sails or rigging. We can turn on a dime with far greater manoverability than anything else on the water, and even if your a beginner you know that if you mess up you are only going one way --downwind--. Be aware of what is with in 500 yards of you at all times.

Make it a point to have a clear safe zone 400 yards down wind of you at all times anticipate and avoid any thing that can hurt you or sue you. If you ride by this simple rule no one will ever call you out for anything.

It's time to stop the talk, and as a group start from this point forward leading by example.

If all of us started today to make an effort from this point forward to create a buffer of 200 yards off of east beach that is only used to enter and exit the riding zone, making the riding zone everything that is 200 yards off the beach, stop lofting on the beach for fun or show, we would have nothing to talk about except what a great day it was and what new moves we did or saw on the water.

Trust me if we all did this as a group all at once, the few that choose not to or do not know better, will stand out big time and it will be very easy to deal with them. We don't need more rules, laws, line cutting, or to call police on each other, the beginners will adopt what they see being done by the people they aspire to ride like. The more accomplished you are as a rider the more you are being watched by others, and the more responsible you should act, it's just that simple.

If they see the best riders staying away from the beach unless going out or returning, turning off to allow someone to leave the beach, moving their kite up to the high postion when they are up wind of an approaching rider that is downwind of them, these things will be copied.

Just an OG's opnion. Enjoy the power of the wind.
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