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Old 04-21-2008, 08:46 PM
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Big G Big G is offline
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Picnic Island has always had safety issues as long as I can remember. I fished there as a kid at the dock and can remember many problems. The neighborhood surounding that park is very low income boardered by a new luxury marina resort.

While I was there today with Rob, some guy approached me as I was walking back up the beach. He had been drinking and had a beer bottle in his hand. As he approach me, he came uncomfortably close as I felt he may have been looking for something to snatch like a chain or watch. I quickly moved back into the water and road away from the shore. After awhile, Will showed up and Rob was still riding. I was unaware at the time this guy approached me that someone had been mugged just an hour earlier.

There are alot of new riders in the area and many may not have heard some of the storys or stolen gear from the beach.

Remember, only bring the things you need to ride down to the beach. An additional board or kite might save you a walk to the car, but these items have been taken in broad daylight while riders are on the water. This warning does not apply only to Picnic Is but also Cypress as I remember Bruce had a board stolen there a few years ago in the middle of the day.

Both of the places mentioned have a history of problems. Try not to ride alone here. I make a habit of waiting for whoever is on the water when I'm ready to leave so that they are not alone.

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