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Old 06-19-2008, 12:39 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Hey Ken,

Toby's points about lessons are spot on. I would do it if you haven't taken an adequate quantity of quality pro lessons already.

Getting into another important topic, weather. If there isn't enough wind to keep your kite flying, using reasonable skill, there isn't enough wind. This is NO surprise this time of year, there OFTEN isn't enough wind. You should read over key posts dealing with getting through the summer at:

In some ways now may be the worse time of the year to try to learn kiteboarding here, infrequent useable wind.

Yesterday there wasn't enough wind at times and at others a possibly fatal quantity of wind, lots of nasty storms raking over wide areas the State, tornado warnings, etc.. Seasonal weather in other words. You knew that before rigging up and launching, right?

What's coming in from upweather?

I am reexaming an old fatality right now, one that happened to an 18 year old in France 6 years ago. He was trying to learn on his own, people advised him storms were inbound and he shouldn't go out. A squall came up and he was blasted inland sad to say. There have been other newbie losses similar to this over the years.

Your instructors may or may not spend a lot of time on weather planning and monitoring. You need to still know how to do this in any case. A few ideas on this topic appear at:
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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