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Old 08-21-2007, 11:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Lightbulb here's the thing....

Im new at this about 6months took lessons from my old man(kiting 7 years) and Graham Goodwin(lauderdale kitesurfing).been surfing/windsurfing 20 years, this is a whole diffrent animal. I would not kite at the SW simply because of what you have said on here, and im not stupid! But not everyone is on here. Lack of information to the new riders. This is where you live and ride and if you think someone is doing something that could get them or somone else hurt.....than f--kin say something, you dont have to be a dick about it. If an experienced rider said something to me (and wasnt a dick about it, like " hey new guy you know what your doing") i would think twice about what i was doing. This will not curb everything but you have to try! And also tell people about this forum like Chris Moore told me.....

Although just a suggestion...
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