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Old 08-28-2006, 08:58 AM
Posts: n/a

C'mon guys. We are not going to be riding DURING the hurricane. There is wind before and after the storm, and thats when we will surf, ride, whatever. Just like Dennis, you were there weren't you?

How how about Charlie? Category 4?

That was some great surfing...waves close to 10' out at sunset beach.

I've lived in Florida for 35 years and have been through plenty of hurricanes. The major disaster in New Orleans was due to a levy breaking, and the fact that they are BELOW sea level. That's not us.

Now of course there was Andrew... that was a Cat 5 storm, of which, only 3 (maybe 4 now) have hit the United States. This is not that either.

If you live on the beaches (BigR) you defaintely have reason to be concerned about flooding. Fortunately, I live on high ground. So I will get some wind and possibly tree damage but that's about it.
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