Thread: crossbows
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Old 09-08-2005, 08:44 PM
Matteo Matteo is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: Bahamas
Posts: 229

Ok, let me start first. I honestly like the kite, it's way different than a C-shape kite, it seems like it flies slower than a normal LEI but I guess it's only a feeling. Speed is pretty impressive, amazing depower, very smooth and very stable. The only uncomfortable thing is that you costantly have to pull on the bar otherwise you'll fall back in the water. The pull on your arms is bit tiring but I guess you can get used to it. Jumping with it requires a bit of practise but once you get comfy with it you can trow some high and floaty jumps. I would try to move the stopper ball 2 or 3 inches down, just enough to be able to ride for few second with the bar to the stopper ball (so you can rest your arms). The kite must be amazing in waves, you need power you pull the bar and you have it !!! In terms on wind range it looks like it (16m) can handle quite a bit of range. I guess we were riding in 13-15knots the other day but it easily feels it can handle 20+. I have not witnessed any "folding" of the kite and relaunching seems pretty easy. I dropped the kite once and after few seconds it came back up almost by itself !! What do u guys think of it ??
Golf anyone ??
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