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Old 05-01-2006, 12:02 PM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

I got to ride the 14m TD in high winds (20) on a seabreeze Friday and low winds (10 max) yesterday around 3 when the wind died.
In 20 I was LITT and was jumping to the MOON... seriously, biggest jumps I have ever done.

The low end on the kite is impressive. I was riding in 10 no problem. Donna is litt in solid 10knots on it.

Unless a bigger guy, I can't see getting the 16m Turbo Diesel.

That's about all I have.... not alot of time on bows. Oh, I have ridden the Xbows and Switchblades. I like the Switchblade more than the Xbow.....

Can't wait to see where this type of kite is in 2 years.
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