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Old 04-28-2006, 07:30 PM
Eagle Eagle is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: St Pete
Posts: 154


Keep your gun(s) at home, there is zero need for a gun at the beach.
Carrying a gun isn't the best idea, especially when young and prone to making mistakes. Pulling a gun out can change your life in an instant, and from my experience that change more often than not is one which is negative.

You could have the gun taken away from you and beaten or shot with it.

You could go to prison.

You could die or end up paralyzed.

I've seen MANY people shot during my career, and only a fraction of those who did the shooting were legally justified. Most of these were cops.
If you want to carry a gun, become a lawman or better yet join Spec Ops and go hunt terrorists.

Back to the topic, yes stealing is low and the chances of finding the board or thief is very remote. Whoever is stealing our gear will have to pay the balance on the karma charge card sooner or later.

BizB - The idea of a board anchored with a quick release is awesome!
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