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Old 12-19-2010, 10:14 AM
Unimog Bob Unimog Bob is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Location: Parrish
Posts: 771

Is it not also possible to simply have that idiot fined and then asked to leave? If a true arrangement involving legal regulations/fines was made between the authorities, that is about all they could do legally is fine the individual breaking a law. The last time I saw a person break a law driving, the cops didn't take away my license or shut down that road forever.

In addition, the last couple times I have approached local instructors jumping kids or whatever (with 3 to 4 other kiters by my side making the same plea to stop), we got blown off and no change in behavior occurred. Why? Some people don't respond to rational pleas, they only respond to punishment. I would argue that not having legal authority over obviously improper actions sets us all up to fail b/c of the actions of a few. Some riders will just keep "doing what they do" until a kid is landed on or similar.

I understand the "approach authorities and lose all rights" arguments, though. When I approached the Ft. DeSoto authorities after NB was banned, most local riders told me I was making a huge mistake and many were pissed (there were about 15 of us back then). I did it anyway. Why? Well, we were a week away from being banned altogether. Not much to lose, imo.

Again, if it looks likely that a ban is likely to occur locally, I know I will be in there talking to someone. Primarily because I feel I speak (and listen) better than most and am willing to roll the dice on my abilities, rather than leave it up to someone else or fate. I would also hope that guys like you, Steve S, Steve-O, Scott W, Danny and many others could agree to get together for one day, remain calm, and present ourselves well.

I hear your concerns, Craig. Trust me, I do. I have heard the argument a hundred times. In addition, I am a guy that has been wronged by authorities, so I am not a big fan. However, sometimes the lesser of two evils in some situations must be made.
The way I see it if a spot is in serious jeopardy, sitting back is sending the authorities the "white flag/surrender" signal. By doing nothing, this almost insures they will choose the easy road, which is banning us all. That is the easy road for them, btw. Talking and showing that a group is willing to stand up makes it apparent that the easy road does not and will not exist for them.

I hope it's obvious my discussion is in regards to fending off an obvious ban, not willy nilly begging for rules from cops.
To be honest though, I do wish the beach had a few very simple and enforceable laws. Not because I love laws, but because these laws could greatly limit the odds of a bather getting really hurt by a kiter riding less than 30 feet from shore. When this incident does occur, it will increase the odds of the authorities having a knee jerk reaction and banning us all.
If a no-ride-close-to-shore law already existed, I suspect the kiter that hit the bather would be totally screwed (unfortunate) and the rest of us might be okay.


Last edited by Unimog Bob; 12-19-2010 at 10:51 AM.
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