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Old 06-18-2009, 10:40 AM
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Although we've had some GREAT raffle prize and service donations, there has been only ONE raffle ticket sale. It was to a generous and concerned man, halfway around the world in the United Arab Emirates!? Thank you for that.

This despite extensive emails, word of mouth and repeated Internet promotions. In the past these efforts have been met with a generous outpouring of support. People are concerned and heavily impacted by the poor economy. This may explain the limited response to our plea for help.

We can't undertake a raffle or even a party with prospects of losing money instead of being able to help build the Mila Medical Fund. For this reason, we've been forced to cancel both the raffle and party.

We want to very sincerely thank the six parties that have donated money and ten that donated raffle services and prizes. Your concern is very much appreciated along with providing assistance. I will send emails to you privately discussing the situation. If it is possible, we would like to try to sell these donations on ebay to raise funds for the Mila Medical Fund. Alternatively, if you wish we will send your donation back to you with our thanks.

Mila still has a critical need, she wants to be a good citizen and not declare bankruptcy as some have advised, nor does she want to stick the hospital with unpaid fees. And, yes she really is liable for $10,000 of the $45,000. USD operation, plus a physical therapy deductible of $6500., if it goes that high, plus one to two months of lost income during rehab to try to keep herself going. Also, they didn't recommend the operation in Brazil. Why, they may specialize in far older patients but for whatever reason they don't view an operation for Mila as an option. This would mean dealing with mounting pain and ever diminishing mobility for decades? Not good. This is all very real and has been looked into extensively.

It was heartbreaking to hear her tears of disappointment over the response to the plea for help and cancellation of the raffle. She is just one woman trying to do the right thing while acting to remove the pain and restore mobility. She is a strong and principled person but we all have limits. We still need your help.

If you can see your way to send in a donation via PayPal in any amount small or large you will have our sincere gratitude for your kindness in these stressful times.

PayPal -

Thank you
FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi

Last edited by ricki; 06-19-2009 at 07:51 AM.
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