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Old 06-02-2009, 01:04 PM
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Join Date: Jul 2004
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Encouraging words Brett, thanks for posting them. Teaching on the beaches without occupational licenses can get a lot of cities upset, Ft. Lauderdale and Lauderdale By-The-Sea come to mind as recent examples. Pretty much all require them, some enforce more than others. It sounds like Cocoa is sensitive to the issue. That could be a hardship to schools but if you can work it out with the City, access should benefit from your efforts.

Commercial rivalries are normal, even heated discussions, there's been plenty on Internet forums since the sport started. In cases like this though where the COMMON GOOD is in play, I would say take a breath, and try to find some common ground. A lot may count on your success in doing this. Your advice to kiters to not cause problems is golden and worth following. How about working up a short set of guidelines, 6 points or less if we can manage it. They would specify what areas to avoid, when, riding precautions to minimize complaints and other critical stuff. The guidelines could be pushed widely on here and elsewhere to try to build awareness. Let us know what else we can do.

FKA, Inc.

transcribed by:
Rick Iossi
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