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Old 03-22-2008, 08:13 PM
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kite-4-life kite-4-life is offline
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I agree completely on the insurance,I wish I had it. I have been working on kiter specific insurance for instructors and kiters and have some promising leads, but they all say the same thing-get everyone on the same page and into a group (org or assn) and we will find you an underwriter that is US based.
They need a standardized basic skills test to even consider writing a policy. This could hopefully make it a lot cheaper, and include similar benefits to the IKO policy.
Group rate, group instructors insurance, health, life etc. are all real possibilities in the future.
This is getting off track from my post, but I enjoy talking about it

An association with a tag,band, whatever is there to tell new kiters "This is how we do things around here".We are safe kiters and look out for our spots.
I know a little tag wont stop an accident, but a skills test makes sure they have the skills to practice on their own.
We discuss self launching bow kites all the time- let's get out there and do it together.
Let's look at all the safety systems and make sure they are rigged right and that everyone has a QR on their leash. Let's run through some safety stuff and throw down some self rescue racing. Want you GF to learn how to launch a kite? Got it covered. Cookout? Of course! There's plenty more to a day like that and I dont wanna give away all the goodies, but thats the basic concept of a "safety day". It goes hand in hand with the rest of the stuff.
I have a lot of people ask about self rescue, this is a chance for us all to brush up on our skills and share our experience with the new guys. I think the whole run through would be 30-45 minutes per kiter out of their kiting day.

We have had an "association" here the whole time. Start plugging in a few connections and contacts here and there and you will see the potential.
All it takes is teamwork.
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