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Old 03-22-2011, 03:10 PM
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Originally Posted by RickI View Post
The first bar needs a lot more than that Noel. The primary QR uses a side release snap shackle. I will always remember the mental image of a guy furiously pulling to release one of those perhaps on the same bar years back.

He was in a squall spun off from a typhoon. Guys watched him picked up and blown 150 ft. horizontally through the air slamming into a concrete seawall, DOA. Others have been harmed as well using side release shackles in kiting applications. He tried to open it but they jam if under too great a load or won't release unless you pull in a certain direction. They were never designed to be released under load. We've been trying to tell folks not to use these damn things in kiting applications for almost nine years. I can't believe they keep cropping up despite all the publicity.
I definitely don't plan on going out in a typhoon squall anytime soon. Believe me. You watched that in person though?
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