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Old 12-22-2008, 10:34 PM
Ron Ron is offline
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Originally Posted by RickI View Post
I can't tell you how thrilled I am that likely a few guys took our ability to kite in this unique location away. Hopefully there is a special place in hell for indifferent folks that act in a way to steal away our freedoms. For those that don't like all the rules and fees at Crandon Park, take a hard look at this option. All we have to do is avoid complaints and we'll likely have few objectionable rules or bans. In the case of Tortugas or Crandon for that matter, it looks like that was asking too much of the riding community.

Whoa, Slow Down Race Horse.

I do not think that kiting got banned in the Tortugas, rather it's never been permitted (according to the rangers I spoke with).

According to the park rangers, the no kiting rule is an extension of the no windsurfing rule out in the Tortugas which the rangers say has been in place for quite some time. The park rangers I spoke with said the no windsurf rules have been in place for some time and the no kiting rule was an extension of that rule. The rangers thought that the rule had to do with protecting the reefs in the park. They both also said that they thought the rule a bit silly in light of the fact that we were staring a sailboats tied up about 20 feet from us that were drafting at least five to seven.

I realized when I took my quiver on the trip that kiting may not be permitted, but I took it just in case it was. However, it was a bit of torture having the wind blow 15-20 knots and not being allowed to ride in that beautiful water.

Maybe you could ask some of your connections within the kiting community to lobby the National Park Service in the manner that the sailing community has done.
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