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Old 02-07-2008, 08:11 PM
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Steve-O Steve-O is offline
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I know some folks that use anchors....and I don't know if I am sold on that idea. I have heard them come loose, I have seen them come loose. Imagine a kite flying through the air with an anchor attached to it with two sharp spikes to boot.

I like to use a secure object or nothing at all. Just me. For example, on IRB we have these signs posted into the sand. I wrap a leash around the post, and attach chicken loop to leash, set kite, go back to loop and launch. Same for landing. Today at the Clearwater sailing center, I used a hitch to self land.

On that note, I really don't like self landing kites in high winds unless I have this technique available.

You have to find out what works for you and keep asking questions about an idea you have.
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