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Old 07-06-2007, 04:48 PM
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Big G Big G is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 339

Done it once..... Here are the Pros and Cons.

1. Might just be the most dangerous spot to ride...
2. NO PARKING on Bayshore...must cross busy street
with gear.
3. Very little room for error. If you drop a kite, its probably going to end up on the busy street.
4. Clean wind cannot get around Davis Is. to Bayshore Gust,Gust, and did Imention Gusty.
5. No experienced observers...your on your own.
6. Water stinks all the time.
7. Wind direction and tide must be right or NO RIDE!.
8. Your gear will get muddy and stink the next day especially booties.
9.Many underwater hazards including old tires, sharp sticks w/barnacles, and rocks (many many rocks)
10. Almost always, dead onshore winds for riding...good upwind riding is a must.

1. There are better places to ride...there are no pros. yourself a favor and go ride somewhere safer. You'll be glad you did. Thats the Big G's $0.02, for what its worth.
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