Thread: Best @ Wsw
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Old 06-05-2007, 01:03 PM
Kitespear813 Kitespear813 is offline
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I can understand Both sides of the story. I own A Scuba Manufacturing Company and I understand how important it is to support your local shop. They can help you out with warranty issues and items you might need ASAP.
However I too have had bad expieriences with WSW. Granted it has been awhile since I have been there and shops/people can change. The first time I went to WSW about 3 years ago, I was trying to get info on the sport how to get strated ect. and I was grilled about having lessons first, Before they would even show me any equipment or give me the time of day. So that put a bad taste in my mouth. Also when I was looking to purchase gear, WSW seemed way over priced.

I have been Kiteboarding now about 2 years w/ 1 year off due to a knee injury. A couple of months ago I went into WSW Just to check out The new Undergrounds and equipment. I was greeted by a younger guy who was very helpfull and didn't grill me about how many lessons I've had and who I took them from. He was very nice and took the time to answer all of my questions.
He did alot for the way I see WSW.

I also Found out that WSW has some Used Gear a Pretty good prices for those who can't afford brand new gear.

Any way my point is I will give WSW another shot and others should think about doing the same, Maybe they have their shit together now.