Thread: Sunday anyone?
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Old 07-16-2006, 07:45 AM
Skyway Scott
Posts: n/a

Change of gears here.
St. Pete has it absolutely made in terms of riding spots and wind directions covered. Only a few places to ride in S.A., unless you are really into strong currents. And when I goes west, well... it's doable in a couple spots, but.....
Light wind riding here is a dream compared to over there as well.

In S.A. it can be blowing (and does often) solid 13 to 15 and you won't have much fun (if not doing a downwinder). Why?
The current combined with waves steal some of the wind AND you are drifting down the beach. It basically becomes 11 with a steady current ripping you downwind :?

Oh well, the wave riding come fall/winter is going to be insane 8)
The downwinders there do rock, but at 6 after work, not enuff time to do one :evil:
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